Boosting the Immune System
To avoid catching the flu, boosting your immune system is the first step:
Exercise regularly
- Walking, jogging, swimming, etc.
- At least 30 to 45 minutes
- Preferably 5 times per week
Eat a wide variety of foods
- Plenty of fruits and vegetables
- Nuts and sunflower seeds for vitamin E.
- Avoid fad diets
- Avoid restricting calories below 1300 calories a day
Sleep enough to feel rested
- 6-8 hours on most nights
Stop smoking to reduce susceptibility to upper respiratory infections
- If you are a student, call Wellness & Prevention Services at (828)262-3148 for assistance with quitting
- If you are a faculty or staff member, call (828) 262-6314 for more assistance
- Try out internet resource such as QuitNet
- Call the North Carolina QuitLine: 1-800-44U-QUIT (9 am to 4:30)
Manage your stress by:
- Planning ahead
- Avoiding procrastination
- Keeping your goals and priorities in sight
- Balancing social activities and academic/work demands
- Relaxing and doing something you enjoy every day
Page content reviewed: 06/04/18 fwg