Medical Withdrawal and Class Load Reduction Information and Procedures
Medical Withdrawal and Class load Reduction Requests
Full Withdrawal:
A full withdrawal involves dropping all classes for a semester and is managed by the Office of the Registrar. Students seeking to withdraw for any reason, including medical or psychiatric, do not need to contact M.S. Shook Student Health Service before submitting their request. Instead, they should complete the "Withdraw from the University" on the Registrar's website. For detailed information about withdrawals, including late or retroactive withdrawals, please refer to the Withdrawal Policy. If you have any questions about the withdrawal process, contact the Registrar's Office.
Medical Class Load Reduction (Current Semester):
A medical class load reduction refers to dropping one or some, but not all, of your classes within the current semester. To request this, students should communicate with Student Health Services. If you have previously seen a clinician at Student Health for your medical issue, you should contact that clinician directly. If you have not been seen at Student Health, reach out to the Medical Director through MedPortal.
To request a medical class load reduction, complete the Medical Drop form on the medportal detailing the classes you wish to drop, the reasons for the request, and the number of credit hours affected. Provide documentation from your clinician, such as a supporting letter or relevant medical records. Requests must be submitted by the day before Reading Day; after this deadline, requests will be considered retroactive and are less likely to be approved unless there are compelling reasons for the delay. You are required to submit the form in order to successfully drop your course.
Retroactive Medical Class Load Reduction (Past Semesters or After Last Day of Classes):
For retroactive class load reductions—whether for a past semester or for the current semester after classes have ended—you need to submit a personal statement detailing the term, the classes or credit hours you wish to drop, and the medical issues that impacted your academic performance. Include an explanation of why you did not request a drop during the regular period. This information can be provided by completing the "Medical Drop Request Form" found on the Medportal in the forms section
You must also provide a statement from a medical provider on official letterhead, detailing the medical issues and their impact on your ability to attend classes. If you received care at M.S. Shook Student Health Service, you can provide permission for the review of your records. Submit all documents to M.S. Shook Student Health Service, where the committee will review your request and notify you of their decision via email. Drop requests will not be considered without supporting documentation from a medical provider.
How to Submit a Medical Drop Request Form
Follow these steps to complete your Medical Drop Request form:
1. Go to your Medportal
2. Log In
Use your AppalNet credentials to log in.
3. Access Forms
On the left-hand side of the dashboard, click on Forms.
4. Locate the Medical Drop Request Form
Scroll to Section 2 and select Medical Drop Request Form.
5. Complete and Submit
The form will appear. Fill out all required fields, then click Submit to send it for review.
For additional assistance, contact Student Health Services or call us at (828) 262-3100.