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Incoming International Students

Welcome to our incoming international students!

We at M.S. Shook Student Health Service look forward to serving your health needs while you are attending our university. We understand that good health is a vital part of making your time here successful. To aid in your success we need information from you about your health history.

By now, we hope you are aware of the required  immunizations requested by the university. The immmunizations can be entered on MedPortal. Immunization records can be uploaded on MedPortal.(opens in a new tab)

Our goal is to receive this information PRIOR to your arrival on campus. Documentation of the immunizations needs to be clear and complete. Please be certain to review the details regarding each requirement.

You will be withdrawn from Appalachian State University if the immunization requirements are not met.

We realize that some of Appalachian’s requirements are different than your countries’ requirements and this may be confusing. However, that does not change the immunizations that are required for you here in North Carolina. We understand that completing these requirements is not always possible in your home country. We can help complete any deficiencies in these requirements during your first weeks here at Appalachian. You will be charged a fee for the necessary immunizations.

We understand that email may not be a secure way of communicating. Unless you give us permission, we will not correspond in this manner on the server. A secure email function is located on your MedPortal (opens in a new tab). After you have signed in: Choose “Messages”, then “Compose New”, and then direct the email to the “Immunization Provider.” Our immunization team will be available to help you.


Immunization records need to include the following:

  • Your name
  • AppState Banner ID number
  • Your date of birth (month/day/year format)
  • The name, address and phone number of the doctor’s office providing the record.
  • The month/day/year of the immunization received

Lab reports and radiology reports may be used to complete some requirements. If a lab report is submitted, then an official and complete report from the laboratory or the radiologist is necessary.

  • These are generated from the lab or the radiologist
  • They contain your name, birth date, the name address and phone number of the lab/radiologist.
  • Lab work must contain numeric values for the normal range of the lab result
  • Lab work must contain the numeric value for the patient’s lab result.
  • Tetanus: 3 doses from anytime in your life. The following also applies:
    • A booster dose of tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis (Tdap) vaccine is required for individuals who have not previously received it and are entering the seventh grade or by 12 years of age, whichever comes first.
      • The usual abbreviation for the adult tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine in the US is Tdap.
      • Brands in the USA: Boostrix and Adacel 
  • Measles: 2 doses given after the student’s first birthday and at least a month apart.
  • Mumps: 2 doses given after the student’s first birthday and at least a month apart.
  • Rubella: 1 dose after the student’s first birthday.
    • An official lab report may be substituted for the measles, mumps or rubella requirements.
      • This lab report should contain: See above for the requirements on an official lab report
  • Hepatitis B: 3 doses are required for students born after June 30, 1994.
    • NC law does not allow a lab report showing immunity to fulfill this requirement.
    • Dose #3 should be administered after 6 months of age
    • The preferred schedule for these is at day 0, 1 month and 6 months
  • Polio: 3 doses. This applies only if the student is younger than 18 years of age.
  • Varicella: 1 dose given after the student’s first birthday for individuals born after April 1, 2001.
    • An official lab report may be substituted for the Varicella requirement.
      • This lab report should contain: See above for the requirements on an official lab report
  • Tuberculosis: One of the following within 12 months prior to the first day of class is indicated to fulfill this requirement:
    • A negative tuberculosis skin test (TST), recorded in mm.
    • official lab report of a negative IGRA(Interferon-Gamma Release Assay)(quanteferon gold)
      • See above for the requirements on an official lab report
    • a radiologist report of a Chest X Ray indicating no signs of active or latent tuberculosis.
      • See above for the requirements on an official lab report

Page content reviewed: 06/10/2024 KCS